

  1. An explicit formula for the generic number of dormant indigenous bundles, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 50 (2014), pp. 383-409, available at arXiv: math. AG/1411.1191, (2014).

  2. On the cuspidalization problem for hyperbolic curves over finite fields, Kyoto J. Math. 56 (2016), pp.  125-164, available at arXiv: math. AG/1507.00622, (2015).

  3. Spin networks, Ehrhart quasi-polynomials, and combinatorics of dormant indigenous bundles, Kyoto J. Math.

  4. Counting dormant opers on a pointed stable curve: a research announcement, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu.

  5. Duality for dormant opers, J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 24 (2017), pp. 271-320, available at arXiv: math. AG/1507.00624, (2015).

  6. On the ordinariness of dormant GL(n)-opers: a research announcement, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu.

  7. The symplectic nature of the space of dormant indigenous bundles on algebraic curves, [RIMS preprint (RIMS-1801)], available at arXiv: math. AG/1411.1197, (2014).

  8. A theory of domant opers on pointed stable curves ---a proof of Joshi’s conjecture---, available at  arXiv: math.AG/1411.1208v3, (2016).

  9. A theory of opers on pointed stable curves in positive characteristic I ---generalities---.

  10. A theory of opers on pointed stable curves in positive characteristic II ---deformation and factorization of opers---.

  11.  A theory of opers on pointed stable curves in positive characteristic III ---an explicit formula for the generic number of dormant sl_n-opers---.

  12. Moduli of log twisted N=1 SUSY curves, available at arXiv: math.AG/1602.07059, (2016).
  13. Categorical representation of superschemes, available at arXiv: math.AG/1602.07060, (2016)
  14. Abelian etale coverings of generic curves and ordinariness of dormant opers, available at arXiv: math.AG/1602.07061, (2016).
  15. Moduli of Tango structues and dormant Miura opers, available at arXiv: math.AG/1709.04241, (2017).
  16. l-adic cohomological field theories of dormant opers, available at arXiv: math.AG/1709.04235, (2017)
  17. 有限体上の遠アーベル幾何とカスプ化について, 第八回城崎新人セミナー報告集 (2011) pp. 229-238.